Please send any comments, questions, and issues to satFlipDeck@welcm.com.

(Intended) Downloads Since Jan. 2008:

Download should start within 5 seconds. If not, click here to download SAT FlipDeck.zip

To Install:

1. Extract files from WELCM_SAT.zip.
2. Locate the program - FlipDeck.exe
3. Execute the program.
** You can make a short cut at desktop for easy access
** If you want a fresh (clear all statistic info) start, delete all files in Session folder

To Move to Other Location:

A. Create your own folder.
B. Locate the folder that contains FlipDeck.exe.
C. Copy FlipDeck.exe and all sub-folders to your folder.
D. Execute FlipDeck.exe from your folder.
** You can make a short cut at desktop for easy access
** If you want a fresh (clear all statistic info) start, delete all files in Session folder

To Remove:

a. Locate the folder that contains FlipDeck.exe.
b. Delete the folder and all sub-folders.

Here is thoughts behind the program, if you are interested.