Some of my favorite, free applications:
This site does not promote the following applications. Use as your own risks.
* This site is not responsible for contents of the following links.
Please report broken link(s), freeware status change(s), or other inappropriate situations to info@welcm.com. We'll do our best to keep a clean list.

TheFreeSite.com - a site to access freebies.
It mentions a little about the strings, if any,with the freebies. Personally, I like to know a freedown load is a trial, shareware, or freeware.

OpenOffice.org - a free office suite.
With PDF writer, you can publish documents without compatibility concern.

PrimoPDF - a free PDF writer.
It could append documents (including PDF) into one PDF.

A free demo (JPEG only) version of image stitching program from U. of Britsh Columbia. It uses 2D panoroma. Here is the image stitched from 6 pitcures from my trip to Grand Canyon.

FTP Commander - a (freeware) FTP client for Windows.
Batch Icon Extractor - a free Icon Extractor for Windows.